What Grey Poupon Is To Mustard . . .What Polaner's All Fruit Is To Jelly . . . What Grey Poupon Is To Mustard . . .
What Polaner's All Fruit Is To Jelly . . .

PR Prose, Inc. has added Digitel Corporation, The Van Zant Resource Group, and Grand Lyon Enterprises, LLC as new clients. Headquartered in Atlanta, Digitel will employ PR Prose to develop and execute marketing programs for its nationwide sales of business telephone systems, internet access, and VPN services, a technology infrastructure that allows businesses to use the Internet for private corporate networks. In addition Digitel will use the agency's new Mack-Solden Communications division for co-op advertising and direct mail assistance. PR Prose purchased a 75 percent stake in the design firm in December of 1998.

Van Zant Resource Group (VRG) offers human resources to clients nationwide and focuses on recruiting and staffing for companies in information technology, software service, cable television, telecommunications, and related industries. Finally, what Dijon did for mustard, Bordeaux is now doing for ketchup, and the Grand Lyon Bordeaux line has retained PR Prose to tell the world about it. Owned by Atlanta's MVA, Inc., Grand Lyon is currently being test marketed in anticipation of a national roll-out. Grand Lyon is also using the company's Mack-Solden Communications Division for advertising, point-of-purchase, and print promotion.

Along with the addition of these clients, PR Prose adds Josh Kivett and Becky Dent to its staff. Kivett operates from Jackson, MI as Field Director for PR Prose accounts in Mississippi and Alabama. Dent is working as Public Relations Specialist in the Atlanta office. Kivett comes to PR Prose after serving the Georgia Republican Party as Field Director for South Georgia during 1998 elections. Kivett is a graduate of the University of Georgia. Dent also worked for the Georgia Republican Party as a Communications Assistant. Dent is a graduate of Georgia Southern University.