Now it IS VTA Now it IS VTA

Ken Chambliss, President and Owner of Video Tape Associates announces that he has officially renamed his post-production company VTA, Inc. The 31-year-old company had, for the most part, become VTA to its customers. Chambliss assures his customers that the change is a name change ONLY. The ownership remains the same, and the facility will still be at its same address on Sheridan Road in Atlanta.

Along with the name change, VTA will be presenting a bold new image in the coming months in its advertising and collateral materials. The company recently launched an ad campaign introducing the new VTA image with a series of full page trade ads starting this month. Visual elements in the advertising campaign are computer icon-like in harmony with new technology and represent variations on the themes, “Vision, Touch, Amplify,” in accordance with VTA’s variety of services.